• Question: If we continue emitting this amount of co2 will we all suffocate?

    Asked by 782yttc52 to Anna, Hayley, Iain, Rebecca on 24 Jun 2015.
    • Photo: Iain Bethune

      Iain Bethune answered on 24 Jun 2015:

      The big problem with CO2 is not that we will suffocate (actually at the moment the atmosphere is about 20% oxygen, and CO2 is much less than 1%), but that the CO2 is a greenhouse gas. This means that it causes much more of the heat from the sun to be trapped in our atmosphere rather than being reflected back out to space. This has the effect of changing our climate, which has all sorts of bad effects, including severe weather, droughts / crop failures, rising sea levels. These are a much more immediate risk than there being so much CO2 that we can’t breathe.
