• Question: from research what is the best ways to learn a language knowing there is no definate way

    Asked by 517yttc52 on 15 Jun 2015.
    • Photo: anon

      anon answered on 15 Jun 2015:

      Oh I love this question!
      The problem is: As you say, there is not definite/best way to learn a language. Everybody’s different and therefore everybody learns languages differently. Some people are very communicative and like to talk a lot, others prefer to read a lot or to write. Some learn languages by listening to music. In my opinion, a good mix is the way forward: I think you need a solid knowledge of grammar to be able to speak a language accurately. You also need a lot of practice – listening, speaking, reading and writing. In the end, the key to learning is fun – if you enjoy what you’re doing, your brain will process it in a much better and more efficient way. Many of my students say that spending a year in the country helped them a lot. Have you studied any languages? If so, what worked well for you and what didn’t?
