• Question: Is it true that vinegar can kill poison?

    Asked by kitkat to Hayley on 25 Jun 2015.
    • Photo: Hayley Clissold

      Hayley Clissold answered on 25 Jun 2015:

      Apple cider vinegar is a natural remedy against poison ivy.

      A poison ivy rash can appear following contact with the plant toxin, urushiol. People that come into contact with this toxin often get blisters, swelling, and lots and lots of itchiness.

      One of the several natural remedies for poison ivy rashes is apple cider vinegar. If you apply a small amount of the vinegar onto the rash, it’s meant to have a soothing effect as the vinegar effectively sucks out the toxin from the pores of your skin. Apparently rubbing banana peel over the rash also helps!
